Monday, May 24, 2010


Why do we constantly put ourselves in situations that we regret later on? Why do we date people that are we know are toxic? Maybe it's a form of self-punishment or maybe we think this time will be different. It seems that although we know what turns us on and off, we ignore our instincts and hope for the best. Most women love to date the "bad boy" to make them feel alive or to have a more fiery connection with another person, but it usually ends in utter disaster. A bit of spice now and then is good for the soul but trying to make those moments usually instigated by a lover last a lifetime is wishful thinking. It's important that we remember that we alone can make ourselves feel that we are living as opposed to just floating through life. Don't look for another to make you feel complete. You have to make yourself feel worthy in order for another person to embellish what's already there. It takes two to tango but you've got to have the nerve to step onto the dance floor first.
Till next time...


  1. It is not that complicated.. but the innate fear of ending up alone or not having someone who you could really enjoy, cherish or lovingly lust...makes you loose your step during the You and Me Mating Dance... making you often out of sync with yourself and reality, stepping then on his or her toes... embarrassing...most embarrassing.
    Then, many of us end up as rent-a-dancers or lone dancers forever.. regardless of the notion.. love is the sweetest music you could ever hear...

  2. Very true. Many of us tune out the romantic love to only trust the plutonic sides of relationships. Is it a curtain we pinup in quiet wait for the great performer to enter the stage?
